Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lesson 33 President Brigham Young Leads the Saints

Doctrine and Covenants 107:22-24
Our Heritage, pages 66-71

Scripture Chain: Continuous Prophetic Leadership
Joshua 1:1-5
2 Kings 2:8-15
Jacob 1:12, 18-19

Apostolic Succession:

I recently reviewed the topics of Church Government and Succession to the Presidency in Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley, which is comprised of his messages prior to calling to be the prophet. He tells of a story of an aircraft he was upon which had an emergency prior to landing. Amidst the ensuing panic felt by most of the passengers, President Hinckley says he felt calm. He tells of an off-duty pilot who spoke with him during this experience, who reassured him there were redundancies built into the aircraft, which would compensate for the issue which caused the emergency. President Hinckley compared this redundancy system to succession in the church. All of the members of the twelve hold all of the keys to the building of God's kingdom on earth. Should one pass on, the keys are still present on earth, and the work can continue.

Getting ready for Sunday School

I've been contemplating writing a second blog for some time now, but have been unsure as to what the topic of my blog should be. As I began preparing for my sunday school lesson today, I realized that a blog might be a good way for me to express the thoughts and feelings that come to me as I study. It may also be a good way to invite my friends and class members to share their feelings on these subjects as well. But mostly, I want to use this blog to help me study throughout the week, and not just within a day or two of giving my lesson.

Unlike my other blog,, which is all over the place, I would like this blog to be an outlet for my spiritual side. I hope to find links to outside sources that will help my understanding of the gospel, and in turn, benefit the members of my family and my gospel doctrine class. Beginning with my current lesson, this blog will pick up on Doctrine and Covenants and Church History, lesson 33 and follow through the end of the year.

I don't know how long I will teach Gospel Doctrine, and for all I know, I may be released next week, but again, I hope this blog will be an aid to me as I study, whether I'm the teacher or not, and find a way to grow closer to my Savior and Heavenly Father.